Quarantined Beings
By Tanya George

Sitting by the window I reminisced sometimes,
Little did I know that there come a time,
When I would be counting days like dimes.
Waiting for it to pass is indeed a pain,
But that’s what we humans do,
Think only for ourselves and what we can gain.
Again while I sat by the window,
reminiscing the old days,
Some chirping caught my attention,
And I saw a bird rejoicing unlike any other way.
Though the tiny creature was afar,
Glared a sense of joy out of him,
And his glow was as bright as a star.
I closed my eyes to hear him sing,
That’s when the thought crossed my mind,
We humans forget they, too, are living things.
I looked up the sky and found many more like him,
Felt peace in that moment
And in a instant I was glad that humans
Are finally paying for their own sin.